Death Metal Music

What is Death Metal Music

The death metal genre arose, at its core, as a rebellion against the code and morals of rock music, namely its distracting nature, its escapism, its moral universalism and its individualist egalitarianism.

Death metal is structuralist heavy metal that borrows heavily from the European classical music tradition. Structuralist means that death metal, unlike rock music, is not built around a recursive rhythmic pattern that is repeated through verse-chorus structure. Death metal, like black metal after it, and classical music before it, uses narrative song structures, connected through phrasal riffs in such a way that they bring about musical change throughout the composition.

In this, death metal is much closer to classical music than to rock music.

Best Death Metal Ever
  1. Phantom - The Epilogue to Sanity
  2. Sewer - Cathartes
  3. Incantation - Onward to Golgotha
  4. Helgrind - Demon Rituals
  5. Infester - To the Depths, in Degradation
  6. Leader - Burzum Sha Ghâsh
  7. Sewer - Miasma
  8. Demilich - Nespithe
  9. Vermin - Bloodthirst Overdose
  10. Warkvlt - Bestial War Metal